Some Of The More Common Problems Managed By A Pediatric Dental Clinic

21 July 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Although family practice dentists treat patients of all ages, many parents prefer to bring their youngsters to a pediatric dental clinic. They know that the dentists there have completed additional education and training to specialize in caring for babies, children, and teenagers. Certain dental problems are more common among children than people in other age groups. Pediatric dentists, like Dentistry For Children & Adolescents, are highly qualified to provide preventive care and medical treatment for these young patients.

Baby Bottle Behaviors

Pediatric dentists sometimes see tooth decay in babies and toddlers that is connected with excessive bottle use. Well-meaning parents allow their little ones to routinely hold a bottle with milk or fruit juice. Frequent sipping keeps the youngster calm and content. Unfortunately, milk and juice both contain sugar that damages enamel over time. This could cause several cavities. The issue tends to be more serious if a baby or toddler sleeps with a bottle. 

Vulnerability to Cavities

Some young children are more susceptible to cavities because they aren't as skilled at brushing. Their hand coordination and motor skills need improvement. This is especially a problem for kids whose teeth are crowded in the mouth. Another issue is congenital. Some children have primary teeth with thinner enamel. 

A pediatric dentist removes decay and fills the space created by doing so. Sealants can be applied so food particles and sugary substances do not stick in the grooves of teeth. Parents are encouraged to buy fluoride paste for the family's tooth brushing.

Impact Injuries

Children suffer impact injuries to the mouth more often than teens and adults do, on average. They might have teeth knocked loose or have a tooth nerve permanently damaged. Young children may not yet be coordinated enough to prevent mouth injuries when playing athletic games, tripping and falling, or roughhousing. 

A pediatric dentist gently removes baby teeth that have been knocked loose and helps parents with treating the immediate discomfort. The permanent tooth is allowed to grow in to fill the resulting gap, even if that doesn't happen immediately. A small gap in the mouth is normal among young kids since the primary teeth fall out one by one.

If the damaged tooth is a permanent one, the dentist will do everything possible to save it. Even then, a tooth that has suffered a severe blow will typically have enough interior damage to require endodontic treatment, commonly called a root canal. The tooth's color will darken, and the parents may want to discuss cosmetic options with the dentist.

If the tooth cannot be saved, the dentist can place a bridge in it's place after the child's mouth heals. However, the jaw must be fully developed before dental implants can be placed.